Leverage your enterprise with international bandwidth service
China Telecom (Europe)’s international ethernet private line (IEPL) service will allow you to easily connect separated offices, branches and divisions with each other, all while ensuring the safe exchange of data and information. We have developed fully-managed VPN China Ethernet-based network services, that meet the modern requirements for performance, speed and security.
Our IEPL solution adopts Multi-Service Transport Node (MSTP) technology and relies on next-generation SDH (Synchronous optical networking)/OTN (Optical Transport Network)/ MSTP transport network. We provide you with a point-to-point and point-to-multipoint data line, which deliver benefits such as flexible bandwidth and Ethernet access capabilities.

What is IEPL (international ethernet private line)?
IEPL is the acronym for “international ethernet private line”. It is an ethernet circuit, which provides businesses with dedicated end-to-end connectivity via a direct private line. By providing the necessary bandwidth rate suited for growing demands, IEPL will support the vast transmission of data and information internally in your organization.
Our international ethernet private line services support the use of multiple media including text, voice and video while providing extensive access to the internet. With China Telecom (Europe) your business can experience the benefits of reliable information exchanges, strong internet connection, telecommunication and private video conferencing with low latency.

What is the difference between IEPL and IPLC?
For businesses, there are two quite similar, yet different options to choose between for establishing a global private network with a direct end-to-end line. Other than IEPL, companies might also consider an international private leased circuit (IPLC). What are the differences between the two and which might fit your needs the best? We provide you with a short overview of international ethernet private line and international private leased circuit.
Unlike IPLC, IEPL is a true ethernet circuit. This among other things means that you do not need to consider the extra costs associated with acquiring and maintaining a router to facilitate the connectivity. IPLC may generally be a cheaper option than IEPL, but the added costs of routers are something that customers should also take into account. Other than a router, IPLC will also require a CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit) to function.
While an international ethernet private line may be a more sizable investment initially, it offers multiple benefits that will make it all worth it. . The strength of IPLC lies in its wider global availability, while an international ethernet private line (IEPL) is more restricted. Though, access to ethernet is continuously increasing in many different major areas. If achieving the highest performance while effectively eliminating latency is critical to your business operations IEPL might be right for you.

Key advantages of our IEPL solutions
● Bandwidth options tailored to your needs – Your business can choose between different options for Bandwidth rate. We offer anything from 2 Mbps and up to 1,000 Mbps for certain locations.
● Leading security solutions – China Telecom (Europe) understand the importance of keeping your information private and secure. We offer a bandwidth service guarantee with high reliability and security.
● Flexible systems – You are able to take full control of the reliable adjustable SDH /Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and international Ethernet dedicated line service.
● Easy and reliable – Get easy LAN extension, WAN connection, high bandwidth or high traffic volume applications.
● Standard Ethernet interfaces – We offer a standardised interface for our three different ethernets categories: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Giga Ethernet.
● One-stop service – We offer fully-managed services and seamless global connectivity, which allows our customer to get access to our one-stop telecom service.

Connect with Asia through our digital Silk Road
China Telecom (Europe) offers all the necessary tools and services to help improve your business infrastructure and establish new and stronger relationships with China and the Asia-Pacific region. We help your company realize international ambitions by offering leading communication technologies to connect your business with the future. Get started today with China Telecom (Europe) as your dedicated professional partner.