Mobilfunk-Business Unternehmen Carrier
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Ihre digitale Seidenstraße nach China

One-Stop-Shop für Telekommunikation innerhalb und nach China und Bereitstellung von VPNs, IP-Transit, Datennetzwerklösungen und Cloud-Infrastruktur für Carrier und Vertriebspartner in ganz Europa für die Geschäftsanforderungen Ihrer Kunden

Warum China Telecom (Europe)?

Mehr und mehr Unternehmen tätigen Geschäfte in und mit China, daher suchen sie nach einem One-Stop-Anbieter für sichere Konnektivität weltweit. Die breite Palette an Produkten und Services von China Telecom (Europe) (CTE) erfüllt alle ihre Bedürfnisse und entspricht den europäischen und chinesischen gesetzlichen Regelungen und Vorschriften.

Umfassende weltweite Abdeckung

Mit unserem China Telecom (Europe) Netzwerk aus terrestrischen und Unterseekabeln sowie Points of Presence (PoPs) sind wir in der Lage, den Unternehmen Ihrer Kunden das zu bieten, was sie brauchen, um ihre Büros von Europa nach China zu verbinden.

schnelle Verbindungen

Unsere branchenführenden niedrigen Latenzzeiten sorgen dafür, dass die Teams und Daten Ihrer Kunden sicher und effektiv arbeiten können.

Flexible Lösungen

Als One-Stop-Shop für internationale Telekommunikationstechnologie sind wir in der Lage, umfassende Lösungen anzubieten, die genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und die Ihrer Kunden zugeschnitten sind.

Starke Präsenz in ganz Europa

Mit unseren Mitarbeiter*innen in mehr als 20 europäischen Ländern sind wir vor Ort für Sie da. Unsere China-Expert*innen beraten Sie in vielen der wichtigsten in Europa gesprochenen Sprachen.

An overview of our key solutions

Global Internet Access

Premium internet service within and to China

China Telecom Europe’s Global Internet Access (GIA) fast, reliable and secure solution to fit your clients‘ needs in accessing the Chinese market. Using China Telecom’s CN2, you can provide a dedicated path and the lowest latency routes to China.

ChinaNet Access

Cost-effective internet resources so you can provide stable connections to China.

China Telecom Europe’s ChinaNet Access gives you the ability to provide extensive internet coverage of China to your business clients. They can stay connected with the large Chinese market with fully compliant internet access in China.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions

Keep your cross border connection secure and reliable

China Telecom Europe delivers secure and reliable connections between Europe and China with our Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions. Whether you want to offer a Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) VPN or a Virutal Private LAN Service (VPLS) VPN, our team of China experts are able to advise and implement these connectivity solutions to ensure consistent connection across borders.

International Ethernet Private Lines (IEPL)

Fully managed network for performance, speed and security

China Telecom Europe provides International Ethernet Private Lines (IEPL) that allow your clients to choose dedicated, point to point or point to multi-point international connectivity between Europe and China. Your able to offer our large number of Points of Presence (PoPs) as well as those from are partnerships to better connect offices and data across the globe. Ensure your business has the fastest connections to offer for accessing data and communicating; so that, your clients can make those important split second decisions.

Software Defined-WAN (SD-WAN)

Digitally transform to future proof business connectivity

China Telecom Europe’s software defined wide area network (SD-WAN) solution is a flexible, secure solution to fit any size business. Our SD-WAN solution is feature rich to provide exactly what businesses need for connectivity between Europe and Asia. And, it’s fully compliant to China’s cyber-security regulations.

Cloud solutions

Empower businesses to work from anywhere, anytime

China Telecom Europe provides comprehensive cloud solutions to move businesses to the cloud. Whether you are gradually moving your business with a hybrid cloud model or completely removing on premise servers and going fully into the cloud, we have the solutions to fulfill your needs. We are cloud agnostic from Alibaba Cloud to Microsoft Azure.  And, we work with you to develop and implement your cloud strategy for yourself and your clients‘ businesses, today and into the future.

ICT and Managed services

Set up for success with a team of technology experts

China Telecom Europe helps you develop a high tech office space and can work with you and your clients‘ business on the ground to ensure technology needs are met. We use our expertise in hardware, software and connectivity solutions to take the stress out of IT. We are your outsourced IT team ready to help when needed.  Focus on what matters most rather than getting stuck in the details of the planning and setting up of technology.

Neues von CTE

April 5, 2022

Intelligente Fertigung in Deutschland

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Events, News
November 29, 2021

Enabling SaaS platforms between Europe and China – APAC

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Anstehende Events

September 1, 2020

Connect with China: overcome your challenges, with support in your own language

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Unsere Standorte in Europa

  • Vereinigtes Königreich
  • Belarus
  • Frankreich
  • Deutschland
  • Niederlande
  • Russland
  • Spanien
  • Schweiz
  • Österreich
  • Tschechien
  • Dänemark
  • Griechenland
  • Ungarn
  • Irland
  • Italien
  • Luxemburg
  • Polen
  • Schweden
  • Serbien
  • Türkei